GForge was created by some of the original SF team and is really good - free to open source projects.


Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
Hi Robert,

One thing that might help would be to make sure the exploration phase
consisted of several small tasks that were doable in a couple of weeks
of development.  The outcome would be small demo and the key part -
knowledge about this new domain.  Such projects could easily by
managed as separate projects, or perhaps as a collection of
experimental projects that act as a scratch pad.

I know Jose Luis is busy right now with the website stability issues. But this begs for OSGForge to become fully open, i.e. have users be able to register new projects and have automatic access to an SVN, a wiki and a bug tracker for their project, all from a single central site which is OSG branded (as opposed to having OSG-related projects scattered on SourceForge, Google Code, authors' personal sites, and who knows how many other places).

I seem to remember seeing that SourceForge's server software was open source and could be used to create similar sites. If this is true, or if something similar exists, perhaps this would be a better choice than Tracs for an OSGForge type of site? We could keep Tracs for the main OSG site though (but maybe upgrade it to the latest version so that users can register accounts instead of all using the osg account for wiki edits).

I've offered my (part-time) help in maintaining the OSG site to Jose Luis in the past, but he said since the server belonged to his school they would be reluctant to let an "outsider" get access to one of their servers. Perhaps when the server is moved to a virtual server, this issue would be less important since the server would be isolated from their own network, and I could lend a hand.

I think getting a distributed infrastructure and letting users register (both for accounts to edit the wiki and for OSGForge projects) is of vital importance for OSG's surrounding ecosystem, especially since we are talking more and more about nodekits being important for OSG 2.x and new API support/tests being important for OSG 3.x.

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