E. Wing schrieb:

> I am not currently on the OSG track so I'm afraid I can't be much help
> at the moment. But be aware that in Snow Leopard, the default
> architecture is 64-bit (assuming you are on a 64-bit machine which
> almost all Intel Macs are now). All the Carbon stuff in
> osgViewerCarbon will likely not compile in 64-bit. I thought there was
> at least a preliminary Cocoa based viewer now, but I haven't been
> following. It seems like the Cocoa one needs to be made the default
> for just this problem that people are going to encounter over and over
> again. 

The cocoa backend is part of osg 2.9.x

> (Also, if my ImageIO plugin has not been integrated yet, now is
> the time do so so as the Quicktime plugin is also not going to work in
> 64-bit.)

Also the imageio-plugin.

> Second, I don't know if the Xcode project is maintained anymore.

It's maintained for 2.9.x but not tested with Snow leopard.

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