Hey Paul, Jeremy,

So, text is in the transparent RenderBin. Hmm that makes sense. I was 
hoping there is simple explanation. I guess I could use depth testing. The 
main problem I had with this was to come up with a fairly simple 
algorithm to determine the z position. It would mean to layer the panels 
close together so their size is not affected and still far enough away from
 each other to not run into depth buffer resolution issues. An added 
complication is that any panel may nest other panel/widgets on the fly 
further making it harder to get the z distances right. I tried to roll my own 
algo for this but it became it gathered too many uncertainties. So I opted 
for the painter's algo.

Any ideas about doing the z position assignments with nested 

Jeremy, osgWidget looks cool. I might end up using once I have a good 
grip on it. Usually implementing my own is a way for me to learn. 

Do you think it would be easy to adapt it for multi pointer/touch, doing 
non-axis aligned windowing, and extending it for custom/experimental 
widgets like two finger painting brushes?


stefan hechenberger


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