Thanks Paul, Jeremy,

So after some contemplation I am pretty sure I want to use the painter's 
layering. The reason is that if  for example I want to rotate a panel in 
front of another one I don't want it to intersect with panals behind it. I 
could use orthographic projection and dynamically change the z distances
 based on bounding box but this just seems overkill if I could just disable 
depth testing.  I just want it 2.5D--looking 3D but layering 2D. 

So I tried forcing the osgText in a the opaque render bin with the following
 but without much luck.

 mytextstateset->setRenderBinDetails(0, "RenderBin", 

Is there something else I need to do other than that?  If I understand 
correctly there are two default bins--"RenderBin" and "DepthSortedBin". 
Former is sorted based on the binNum, latter based on the depth.

I guess what I don't understand is how does the binNum realate to the 
other items in the default bin. I know they are rendered in the order they 
are added to the scene. How to they relate to the binNum? Still a bit 

Will read some more of the osg source code but let me know if you guy 
know what I am doing wrong.

Thank you!


stefan hechenberger

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