I think I have solved the issue. It turns out that if I simply set a render bin 
index on all my nodes that contain an osgText, things work as expected. 
Surprisingly I don't need to set the osg::StateSet::OVERRIDE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS.

I would assume this is normal behavior. I think my main error was to assume 
that osg preserves the order of nodes when depth testing is switched off.

At the moment I have a unique z-value/render bin index on all of my nodes. It's 
a bit inelegant because I need to do reassign this z value to all my nodes 
whenever I add or remove nodes. 

I think I will try to assign this z value only within each geode. I think this 
is possible because render bins are nested. Not sure yet how this will work 
then with my ray intersection--how I can determine the order my widgets are hit 
by the ray ... anyhow i will try to report back if I have a good solution for 
making this a bit more elegant.

Thanks for the help,
Thanks for the hint that I might be missing a plugin for writing out text 
drawables to the osg file,


stefan hechenberger


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