Hello Adam,

Reading your message, it seems to me that you don't have a clear idea of what you need to do to get to your desired goal. Key phrases like "obtain ... from somewhere" and "somehow cram..." scream to me that you need to understand a bit more instead of just going from one site to another trying to execute a list of steps someone might have posted somewhere...

First, is there some reason why you want to compile OSG from source? Version 2.8.3 is very recent, and there are prebuilt packages for Visual Studio 8 (2005) which you say you use. See:


And see this page about how to install and use the binary packages:


You should have no problem compiling osgOcean with OSG 2.8.3.

If you really want to compile from source, I can't force you not to (it's what I do personally ;-) ) but using the binary packages would be easier while you get your feet wet... You can always try to build from source again later once you've gotten more experience.

------- Read below if you still want to go the source route -------

In order to be able to load png or jpeg images, you need three things:

1. OpenSceneGraph itself (specifically osgDB, but then you'll probably want to display what was read from the file in which case you need the rest too ;-) ) 2. The OpenSceneGraph plugin for that file type (the osgdb_png.dll you mentioned, but see below) 3. The plugin's dependencies, which can be needed at compile time and/or at run time.

OSG and the plugin should be compiled together. Just getting osgdb_png.dll from some site and putting it in the directory where you put your compiled OSG DLLs is likely not to work (because the OSG or compiler versions don't match), or worse, it may seem to work but crash at random times.

The plugin's dependencies generally consist of includes (headers) and libraries, which are needed at compile time, and may or may not include dynamic libraries (DLLs) that will be needed at run time, if applicable. If you were to compile the dependencies yourself you'd generally have the choice to build either static or dynamic libraries, but you can download a package that contains the most frequently used dependencies for OSG (see link below) and in that package, some dependencies are static and some dynamic (tiff and jpeg are static, whereas png is dynamic, for example).

So, now that I've explained all that, I recommend you start over from scratch. Follow the instructions at


Get the prebuilt dependencies from here:


and make sure you follow the directory structure that's suggested in the PlatformSpecifics/VisualStudio link. If you do, CMake should find your includes and libs for libpng, libjpeg, libtiff, freetype and other dependencies that are needed to do anything useful at all with OSG... And since CMake will find them, the project files it generates will include these plugins (osgdb_png, osgdb_jpeg, osgdb_freetype, etc.) so they will be built at the same time as OSG itself.

BTW, make sure you specify the directory where you want OSG to be installed in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable in CMake, and that once you've generated the project files, you build the INSTALL project in both the Debug and Release configurations.

Then you can follow the latter few steps of the tutorial at


Steps 1-7 only apply when you install binary packages - you built from source so they don't apply to you. Step 8 is included in the PlatformSpecifics/VisualStudio page. You do steps 9+10 to test the OSG you just compiled, and steps 11+12 to set up a project of your own using OSG.

Also, since libpng is compiled as a dynamic library in the prebuilt depdendencies package I linked to above, you'll need to make sure the program you want to read png images with will be able to get to libpng13.dll. I recommend just copying it into your OSG bin directory, i.e. the directory where osgXX-osg.dll, osgXX-osgDB.dll and others live.

At that point, if you want to compile osgOcean, again you should start with a fresh source tree, start CMake to generate project files and point it to your freshly compiled OSG. After compiling it, it should work without any problems.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, but as I said at the start, you should try to understand what you're doing instead of whizzing from one step to the other trying things that possibly won't work.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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