
You are correct.  Other than getting my osgOcean demo to work, I am not clear 
on what I need to do.  I only have a vague idea of the build environment and 
can generally get things to work by tinkering(hacking).   This, fueled by a 
lack of patience on my part always ends in frustration and exhaustion. I need 
to take the extra time to understand what I am doing.

There is no need for me to compile from source, I just didn't know any better.  
As I am trying to become "competent", perhaps I need to take smaller steps 
before jumping in this world.   And I used 2.9.7 because is seemed like the 
latest version but 2.8.3 is fine.

You have expended a considerable amount of time and effort in crafting your 
response.  I GREATLY  appreciate your efforts so for my part,  I will do as you 
say: I will start over and try to ensure I know what is going on at each step.  
It will take the time to view each link you have provided and "hopefully" I 
will be a more enlightened 8)  osg person at the end of it. ;) 

Back to the drawing board for me and thanks yet again for your help!!!  Wish me 


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