Hi J-S ,

I started over went through the process you have pointed me towards and it is 
certainly a lot easier than building from source.  I made it much further 
quicker.   Thank you.

I still have a bit of a problem however, as I am still unable to run the 
osgOcean example.  I encounter:

DynamicLibrary::failed loading "osgPlugins-2.8.3/osgdb_png.dll" 

(and then of course the subsequent "Could not find plugin..." messages).    I'm 
baffled as to why it can't load but since the precompiled osgViewer code reads 
png files fine, I still have setup issue.   

Perhaps the osgdb_png.dll dependencies are not all being found?   I am still 
working on it and I will prevail but I thought I'd update you folks.

Stay tuned part II.... :? 


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