Hello again Adam,

I need to take the extra time to understand what I am doing.

Just a note: it usually takes less time when you take it step by step and make sure you're doing it right, than when you just try tinkering until you get it right. This is true for anything, and I also have to watch myself sometimes. Whenever I'm writing shaders and I notice I'm tinkering with the code to get it to work, I force myself to take a step back and perhaps work things out on paper, and it's always helpful.

There is no need for me to compile from source, I just didn't know any better.

That's what I thought ;-)

Go with the binary packages, it'll be easier to get up and running, and you'll get results up on your screen faster, which will motivate you to go on with learning even more!

And I used 2.9.7 because is seemed like the latest version but 2.8.3 is fine.

The OSG release cycle is kind of like the Linux kernel: the second number in the version number is even for stable releases, and odd for development versions. So 2.9.x are the development versions on the road to 2.10 (or 3.0), and 2.8.3 is the latest stable release. Unless you really need the features / bug fixes in the development versions, you can stick to the stable releases. Besides, the development versions are kind of bleeding edge, so you might run into other problems along the way.

Oh, and you can usually switch back and forth between stable / development at will. So if in the future you want to compile a development version from source, your application's code shouldn't have to change much to work with the new OSG version.

You have expended a considerable amount of time and effort in crafting your 
response.  I GREATLY  appreciate your efforts

It's my pleasure, I enjoy helping the people on this mailing list since I think the community that exists around OSG is one of its strong points. And whenever I have questions others are always ready to help me too.

I will start over and try to ensure I know what is going on at each step.

I think that's the way to go. Let us know how it goes!

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
osg-users mailing list

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