On 14/12/10 10:23 , Bart Jan Schuit wrote:
> I want to build an app which should have one camera (or two identical, 
> meaning that
> they are at the same position, facing the same direction, if that is more 
> convenient) and
> multiple screens. The screens will be aligned in a 90 degree angle towards 
> each other. So
> they are perpendicular top view:>
>           | <- 1 
>           |          2
>           |          |
>           |          v
>           |________
> O

> In the PcubeE paper
> (http://hct.ece.ubc.ca/publications/pdf/stavness-lam-fels-CHI2010.pdf) they 
> say:
> To generate perspective-corrected images on each screen of pCubee, we use a 
> standard
> off-axis projection scheme as described by Deering [9]. This is done in OSG 
> by creating
> three View objects that correspond to the three visible screens on pCubee. 
> The camera for
> each View is located at the user’s eye-position (which I will set manually at 
> like right
> in the middle of the two screens, so at 45 degrees), oriented perpendicular 
> to its
> corresponding virtual screen, and given a view frustum that passes through 
> the corners of
> its virtual screen.

As I understand it, they're setting up two cameras, located in the eye point 
Camera 1 is projecting onto the vertical screen, and camera two is projecting 
onto the
horizontal screen (as per your drawing).

Camera 1 would look due right (down the X axis in your drawing), and camera 2 
would look
up/north (down the Y axis in your drawing).

The frustum for camera 1 would then be *sheared* (not rotated) in the positive 
Y direction
to coincide with the bounds or the projection rectangle.

(This is one of those cases where a drawing says more than 1000 words, but I 
suck at
drawing, as I've just rediscovered.)

Hope this still makes some sense,
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