Hi Ulrich,

Thank you for your quick response. 
Well when I delete my CameraManipulator (Trackball), the screen goes blank 
(just blue or black background, depending on which model I load). So I assumed 
a Manipulator was needed. 
And I think I need two of them, so I can manipulate each camera independently.

The main problem I'm stuck on now is how to setup the view. I've made two 
views, fullscreen. But now they both show the same image. I do know how to 
change camera positions. I do not know where they should be in the first place 
and which direction they face. I didn't quite understand that from your reply. 
The same goes for the views: how do I set the views correctly, so they are 
sheared? How should I set the viewmatrix (with what values but also where and 
how), the projection matrix etc.  Because the view and projection matrix can 
only be set via a camera. But I cannot manipulate a camera myself, because a 
Manipulator is defined. And through the manipulator I cannot set the projection 
and view matrix.
Maybe it's just a dumb question, I'm sorry for that. I'm completely new to 
programming with OpenGL and OSG. Made some examples, read the QSG and a lot of 
forum posts, but I still don't get it. 

Thank you alot for your help.

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