
I'm starting a new project that will use VPB databases, but I have some 
questions about data manipulation :

(all data are re-projected to the same coordinate system before any processing)

1. I need to manage multiple "terrain layers". A layer is made of elevation 
data and texture data. So I think to build a terrain database for each "terrain 
layer" and then add all these database in the same scene graph. This allow the 
user to rebuild / show / hide only selected "terrain layers"

Is there any technical / performance problems to use multiple terrain database 
nodes in the same scene graph ? I know there will be some rendering artifacts 
because a (X;Y) point can have different altitudes (one from each "terrain 
layer") but this is not my question, I wondering about TileID management for 

2. Some "terrain layers" have elevation data relative to another one. Is there 
anyway to manage that using osgTerrain ? I think I can "add" the 2 elevation 
data using GDAL before database creation, but I would prefer to do that at 

3. Is there any "invalid elevation value" management to "cut holes" in source 
elevation data and then build a database with holes inside ? (not simple shape 
holes as square)

4. Is there any way to build a "texture only database" (no elevation data) and 
then add / remove it (as a colorlayer on pre-loaded terrain database) at 
runtime ?

Thank you!


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