Hi Robert,

Great work! I just have a few questions/comments.

On 6/18/2013 7:42 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi All,

I have just finished a rather intensive bout of work on the new
cleaned up osg::Geometry, one of the most challenging parts was
providing a fallback for the deprecated array indices and
BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE usage.  The new osg::Geometry doesn't support
rendering of geometries with indices and BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE so one has
to convert geometries containing these over to OpenGL fast path
compliant forms using just straight vertex arrays and standard
glDrawArray/glDrawElements based primitives, and to ease this task I
have written a could of new methods to osg::Geometry:

         /** Return true if the deprecated use array indicies or
BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE binding has been assigned to arrays.*/
         bool containsDeprecatedData() const { return  _containsDeprecatedData; 

         /** fallback for deprecated functionality. Return true if the
Geometry contains any array indices or BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE arrays. */
         bool checkForDeprecatedData();

         /** fallback for deprecated functionality. Removes any array
indices and BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE arrays.*/
         void fixDeprecatedData();

What is the difference between containsDeprecatedData() and checkForDeprecatedData()? I see that containsDeprecatedData() just checks the flag, what does the latter do? Forgive me if this is obvious, the names suggest the same operation to me.

I looked at the revision at https://github.com/openscenegraph/osg/commit/95548b9cda28c1124fea2c09402547d018266384 but I could not find the implementations of the new member functions. Also, the include guard in include/osg/Geometry got changed to OSG_GEOMETRYNEW from OSG_GEOMETRY, was that intentional?


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