
I have tried a few things unfortunately without success.

I tried to use Qt as I could get the Qwidget used by the software and I hoped 
that it could be passed to OpenSceneGraph through osgQt but it seems that my 
current window is replaced anyway.

To load my data I need to use the setSceneData() function which is only 
implemented in View and Scene classes. I guess that I need to create one of 
those objects in any case. 
However in View constructor the font colour is already set 
(_camera->setClearColor(osg::Vec4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f)); ) which is exactly 
what I don't want.
To avoid creating a new openGL context, I thought that it may be possible to 
override functions that are responsible of the creation of the new context.

I read that it was possible to create my own rendering loop. From what I 
understood the ViewerBase renderingTraversal() function is actually responsible 
of rendering and calls low-level OpenGL to render the scene.
But I can hardly identify which low-level OSG calls I have to use.

What do you think would be the best solution ?

Thank you!


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