Yay, Anna Caroline....

you speak my heart!

thank you.

*Rosa Zubizarreta*

*Developing Participatory and Co-intelligent LeadershipAuthor of From
Conflict to Creative Collaboration <http://www.conflict2creativity.com>*

*For more resources and learning opportunities, visit**www.DiaPraxis.com

On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 10:27 AM, via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>

> Dear Daniel, thank you for sharing the synopsis of the essay. Sounds very
> valuable to me!
> Rosa, yes I am also a 'green' lover - but living with the assumption that
> I am pretty aware of the shadows...
> For me sitting in a circle is a structure. Starting with a break is
> another element of structure. Allowing participants to co-create the agenda
> is a structure. Etc.
> Harrison, I don't understand why you say structure is only a figment of
> our imagination.
> I believe structure is something very real - even if it's not always as
> tangible as the structure of a house - how we structure time, decision
> making, dialogue, sharing, connecting ... Coffee breaks, all pretty real
> stuff to me.
> I believe nobody is obliged to follow a given structure. But structure -
> if it's purposefully designed can enable people to enter into a state of
> flow with ease and joy.
> Of course structure is not the only reason why we experience flow, joy and
> ease in a meeting.
> Let's take the example of a tomato. The wooden structure that holds the
> tomato is not determining how the tomato grows, but if purposefully placed
>  it can supports the tomato to grow.
> The tomato's purpose is not to follow the wooden structure, the tomato is
> growing, and the structure is an invitation to support the growth and
> development. The structure itself is not the flow. The structure can enable
> flow and healthy growth.
> I think there are several structural factors that can increase joy, ease
> and creativity to emerge.  I'll name those that come to mind - inspired by
> the 'Deep Essence Tool' of the Genuine Contact program. Let me list those
> factors as questions that help me when I design meeting structures/
> processes I facilitate:
> - is the purpose of the meeting/process clear?
> - what are our values? Is the design of the meeting aligned with these
> values?
> - what assumptions do I and my clients have? (Watch out - assumptions have
> a uber impact on the structure) I, you, a group, a leader have to be super
> clear and honest about our assumptions - huge shadow trap - not being clear
> honest about our assumptions when we create structure.
> Now let's find and create a structure for our meeting, for our
> organization, our movement...
> The more purpose, values, assumptions and structures are aligned, in order
> to create a life nurturing environment, the more the people have the
> opportunity to take leadership for inspired action.
> Step by step a story unfolds that is characterized by people
> experimenting, sharing, trying, daring, learning ... Taking responsibility
> and leadership.
> Depending on my abilities, resources and assumptions, and
> consciousness/awareness I create structures as a facilitator. My wish is
> to design and facilitate meetings where people connect with their passion
> and take leadership. My aim is to be very clear why I create which
> structures and I do my best to stay open to learn from the group and adopt
> the structure  to their needs if needed.
> I believe the purpose of the structure is to serve people, life and flow.
> Structure shall never be created in order to be obeyed by the people. But
> it may enable and empower people to step into their full potential and life
> force.
> We as OST community create a structure that continues to allow flow,
> learning, sharing, seeping our understanding: an international email list,
> language specific lists, wosonos, Stammtisch, Facebook group, online
> calls...
> I am grateful that this structure exists otherwise I could not learn from
> all your perspectives, insights, questions and sharing.
> much Love
> Anna Caroline
> On 03 Oct 2015, at 20:40, Harrison Owen via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> And just to churn the pot a bit.... open some space??? An off thought
> which has pestered me recently. Goes like this. “Structure is only a
> figment of our imagination. It is our “take” of reality, a flash frame of
> the passing scene. In our minds it looks solid, even unchanging. But
> actually it is just a momentary view of the ongoing flow.” Or something.
> Harrison
> *From:* OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org
> <oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org>] *On Behalf Of *Daniel Mezick
> via OSList
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 03, 2015 9:26 AM
> *To:* oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> *Subject:* [OSList] The Tyranny of Structurelessness
> by Jo Freeman aka Joreen
> I find this essay extremely interesting. I hope you do, too.
> Here is a pertinent quote, from the essay:
> "...
> *the idea of "structurelessness" does not prevent the formation of
> informal structures, only formal ones."*
> Circa 1970. Context: the women's movement. Quick summary of the main
> points: from the essay...
>    - *During the years in which the women's liberation movement has been
>    taking shape, a great emphasis has been placed on what are called
>    leaderless, structureless groups as the main -- if not sole --
>    organizational form of the movement. *
>    - *The idea of "structurelessness," however, has moved from a healthy
>    counter to those tendencies, to becoming a goddess in its own right.*
>    - *Contrary to what we would like to believe, there is no such thing
>    as a structureless group. *
>    - *This means that to strive for a structureless group is as useful,
>    and as deceptive, as to aim at an "objective" news story, "value-free"
>    social science, or a "free" economy. A "laissez faire" group is about as
>    realistic as a "laissez faire" society; the idea becomes a smokescreen for
>    the strong or the lucky to establish unquestioned hegemony over others. *
>    - *This hegemony can be so easily established because the idea of
>    "structurelessness" does not prevent the formation of informal structures,
>    only formal ones. *
>    - *For everyone to have the opportunity to be involved in a given
>    group and to participate in its activities, the structure must be explicit,
>    not implicit. *
>    - *It is this informal structure, particularly in Unstructured groups,
>    which forms the basis for elites.*
> Just in case you have not yet encountered the full text of this essay,
> here it is:
> by Jo Freeman aka Joreen
> http://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm
> Regards,
> Daniel
> http://www.OpenSpaceAgility.com/about
> http://www.DanielMezick.com
> 203 915 7248
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