Peggy is right – this is an old chestnut, but surely worth revisiting. For me, 
the essence of the Open Space experience is Passion and Responsibility. When 
the passion is genuine and supported by  a willingness to take responsibility – 
life long wall flowers bloom. Most (in my experience) find this exhilarating 
and liberating – and for some it can be terrifying. But their life will be 
changed, and they will never forget the moment. Caring/not caring for the 
process is pretty much incidental… Indeed The Process is pretty incidental. Not 
much there but Life with all the all the impediments, supports, “ought to’s” 
stripped away. Can get pretty scary – like the present moment. But that seems 
to be the price of admission.




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From: OSList [] On Behalf Of Ron 
Quartel via OSList
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2017 12:19 PM
To: OST List
Subject: [OSList] Open Space and Introverts


I had an interesting chat a few days ago with someone that identifies as an 
introvert. They made this statement which has me somewhat confused and 
perplexed - "Introverts do not like Open Space".


Now - I know that for the broadest definition of an introvert that is not true. 
Because I myself am an introvert and I love Open Space. Like all mental 
categories, introversion I assume is on a scale. So perhaps a better statement 
from this individual may have been - for more extreme introverts, Open Space 
can be uncomfortable and is not viewed as a safe environment for me to express 
myself. (I need to run this statement by said individual to see if they can 
confirm if this statement better represents their intention.)


Is this indeed true however? It is at least for one person I know. So my 
questions are:

- has anyone else encountered this opinion?

- If so, what percentage of the average population do you think would feel this 

- Is there anything we can do to make these extreme introverts to feel 
comfortable and safe to share?


Any thoughts and advice appreciated.


Ron Quartel


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