FWIW, here's my version of how to get OSM updated.
OSM is the map data source - eg 
You don't need a login to add a note.  As a beginner you can do this:-
Browse around or search to find your required location.
Go to the menu on the right hand side. Go down to "Layers" - Left click. 
Select "Map notes".  A whole lot of markers will appear.  These are 
people's notes, mostly useful, but some rubbish.
Have a look at some of the notes, then identify the location you need the 
In the right-hand side menu, select "Add a note" (second from bottom, ie 
above the "?").  A blue location marker appears.  Push it to where you want 
it.  Add your text in the panel on the left.
Someone will subsequently verify your comment and make the edit.
It then takes a while for the edit to be available for download to your 
I'm inclined to leave my notes for anyone to comment (or ignore), then if 
no-one makes the actual edit, I do it a few weeks later.

If you now zoom in, un-tick “Map Notes” on the right, and tick “Map Data”.  
(Don’t do it till you’ve zoomed in quite a lot otherwise you’ll have to 
wait ages for all the data to load).
You’ll now see a load of blue lines, etc.  These indicate the existence of 
all the data for map features. 
If you left click on any one, you will see the associated data which 
displays on the map in your phone, etc. 
Left click any blue line/circle/etc, and you’ll see the description on the 
left. eg “Post Office”, Village Stores”, “convenience”, etc.

Lesson over! 
Paul W

On Sunday, September 10, 2017 at 3:26:20 PM UTC+1, Westnederland wrote:
> I just tested another testroute and this time things were okay... Same 
> settings, same destination (which is a one way street with only 1 driving 
> lane in it)... 
> Busstations are typically not mapped as they are forbidden for any other 
> traffic then buses and police/ambulance/etc. However, I did find a new road 
> which was opened last year which is not in OSM-maps. It does exist in 
> Google Maps already. I really don't know how I can edit the map to insert 
> the new road in there, that is a whole new chapter to me. 
> Op vrijdag 8 september 2017 13:22:01 UTC+2 schreef Majka:
>> That's about what I hoped would happen, except for the bit of 
>> navigational problems.
>> It is necessary to inspect the data for suspicious mapping. First look at 
>> the switches for navigation settings (economy route on/of, avoid...). 
>> In the data, are there any suspect max speed, height/width restrictions, 
>> suspect mapping of crossings?
>> Unfortunately, the OSRM demo seems to be down, so you cannot check why 
>> does it route you this way.
>> The second point - try to reposition the marker - it MIGHT be on the 
>> opposite side of the road and Osmand tries to get you on the correct side.
>> For "drive in / drive out" situation (bus station) - is the station 
>> mapped including the bus stops and the driveways to these? If the mapping 
>> is correct and detailed enough, it should be possible to define an 
>> "obligatory" stop and navigate there (you get the "you have reached the 
>> destination" message) and then start again to navigate from here for the 
>> second part. 
>> You will get a problem if the bus station is simply a big empty area next 
>> to the road - then, navigating to it in one definition and navigating back 
>> in another one might be necessary, because you "reach your destination" on 
>> the road, not in the bus station.
>> It might be easier to correct the data in OSM. 
>> The only problem is that the changes won't show right away - with Osmand 
>> live, it can take  2 days to a week, the "normal" map gets generated once a 
>> month. You could create your own map from extracts, I am doing it myself 
>> but unless you want to download the huge extracts, the smaller ones are 
>> usually available only once a week (bbbike).
>> IMHO, it would be still better to correct the data if the mistakes are 
>> the reason for the navigation hickups, even if the remedy isn't immediate.
>> Majka
>> On Thursday, 7 September 2017 17:10:47 UTC+2, Westnederland wrote:
>>> I accidently made it work more or less the way I wanted it to! 
>>> Two hickups so far:
>>> - The route Osmand calculated was different from what I intended it to 
>>> be when I was composing the route on the personal computer. That would be 
>>> because of the difference between the used map-material (Google Maps vs 
>>> Open streetsource). So adding more shaping points would take care of that. 
>>> - When I reached my destination it told me to navigate around the block 
>>> the other way around again, only to end up in the exact same spot I was 
>>> standing at that very moment. I'm not sure why it did that. 

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