This story has continuation... After setting the route I exited OsmAnd by 
pressing "Back" button on my phone. Then, when I was sitting in the car and 
ready to start my trip, I opened OsmAnd and it asked me to set my 
destination... I thought, that I was already prepared my route. No, not at 
all. And I had to repeat all the steps (see my post above) again.
But this time, OsmAnd ALWAYS set destination to my first intermediate 
waypoint, resetting my actual destination (Home). Sitting in my car, I 
tried it again and again. Perhaps after 20th attempt I gave up, ending 
without any route... I drove my car without OsmAnd instructions :(
So, the lesson from this experience:
1. OsmAnd can't keep its old route, created just a moment ago
2. OsmAnd is unreliable as a navigation tool. It may reset my actual 
destination (in most cases it's Home) to an intermediate waypoint every 
time I try to add it. And it repeats doing it again and again and again... 
As a result you may end up driving without any instructions, coming from 
OsmAnd :(

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