Who says we are practicing PT, and not OT?.? My credentials states OTR/L so 
therefore it is OT.? I don't know about you, but taking ROM measurements and 
treating the UE was taught in the OT education in which I went to school.? How 
do you comment on the OT guide to practice and our practice acts?? In my 
opinion it is dangerous to be that?narrow in our definition in what we do as 
OTs.? I certainly understand and respect your opinions, because they do make 
sense on paper, but when actually practicing we do have to address body 
functions/structures at times to help the patient make further progress.? I 
noticed a post that you made?in the AOTA listserve under the physical section.? 
In it you were giving advise about an individual with guillen barre 
(spelling?), and you of course talked about ADL performance, but then you gave 
an example of practicing sit to stands and unilateral reaching without being in 
the context of an ADL.? Isn't this the same as helping a patient with their arm 
functions through ther ex to facilitate a positive outcome with functional 
reaching?? Thanks again for the great discussion.
Chris Nahrwold MS, OTR
St. John's Hospital 
Anderson, Indiana

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Carson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: L Sloan <OTlist@OTnow.com>
Sent: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 6:09 am
Subject: Re: [OTlist] Elbow Break, Referral...

If  the  goal  is  increased  ROM  or  decreased pain, why include the
"functional"  component?  It  seems obvious to me that if ROM/pain are
the  ONLY  things  preventing  the  patient from doing self-care, then
positively  impacting  these area will directly improve self-care. So,
why even include the the "function".

If  the  goal  is  occupation,  then  I see no reason for the ROM/pain
component. As and OT, I strongly believe that occupation should be the
goal,  but occupation is not always the goal of the patient or MD. And
it's  these situations where OT is out on a limb, because we are truly
practicing OT, but PT.

Ron Carson MHS, OT

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008
To:   OTlist@OTnow.com <OTlist@OTnow.com>
Subj: [OTlist] Elbow Break, Referral...

LS> How About....
LS> Patient will demonstrate increased active range of motion to ____
LS> during upper and lower body dressing activities.....or...
LS> Patient will demonstrate increased AROM to ___ to allow patient
LS> to complete upper and lower body selfcare activities safely...
LS> Patient will demonstrate a decrease in pain from ___ to ___ to
LS> enable her to complete her dressing activities.
LS> ??? Lisa

LS> ----- Original Message ----
LS> From: Ron Carson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LS> To: OTlist <OTlist@OTnow.com>
LS> Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 3:48:47 PM
LS> Subject: [OTlist] Elbow Break, Referral...

LS> Received? a? new referral for a elbow fracture. I shouldn't have taken
LS> it but I did.

LS> And? here? is? the? dilemma? facing our profession. The patient is 95,
LS> previously living independently. Fractured elbow in a fall. Now living
LS> with? daughter.? She? is? in a large amount of pain. Obviously, she is
LS> dependent? for? most of her occupations. She currently uses a cane but
LS> is not safe.

LS> The? patient's? immediate concerns are her elbow. When pressed, she of
LS> course wants to go back home, but that is not an immediate goal.

LS> So what do I write for goal
s? For example should I write:

LS> ? ? ? ? Patient will self-report pain as 3 out of 10

LS> ? ? ? ? Patient's will increase active elbow extension to -20 degrees

LS> These? goals seem to direct the patients and doctor's concerns but are
LS> not occupationally oriented. So, should I write:

LS> ? ? ? ? Patient will safely and independently dress lower body

LS> ? ? ? ? Patient? will safely and independently ambulate to the bathroom
LS> ? ? ? ? using the least restrictive mobility aid

LS> I like these goals but they don't address the immediate concerns.

LS> Ron
LS> -- 
LS> Ron Carson MHS, OT

LS> -- 
LS> Options?
LS> www..otnow.com/mailman/options/otlist_otnow.com

LS> Archive?
LS> www.mail-archive.com/otlist@otnow.com






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