Am Fre, 2003-08-01 um 11.25 schrieb Martin Edenhofer:


> > > >         aware of another way to sort in tickets - the "in-reply-to"
> > > >         header of the mail. Assuming that the mta on both sides does not
> > > >         mangle the message ids, it would be possibly to extract the
> > > >         messsage-id of the mail that the customer replied to. If OTRS's
> > > >         outgoing mails used a message-id of
> > > >         "ticketnumber+mailcount+checksum", this would provide a way to
> > > >         sort customer replys with changed subjects or missing ticket
> > > >         numbers.
> > I do not see this option as a standalone option, but rather in
> > combination with the ticket number printed in the subject. 
> The problem of using the ticket-number in the messsage-id is that no
> customer can change it.
>  -=> E. g. a customer want's to write a new email to the system and is using
>      an old OTRS email (by using the reply function), then the customer
>      is just able to remove the ticket number from the subject (currently a new 
>      ticket will be created) but if we use also the in-reply-to header then
>      the new request will be added to the old one. That's not what we want.
>  All customers need to know that the ticket number in the subject is the 
>   reference.

Good argument. What worries me is that customers might remove/change the
ticket number in the subject, thus creating a new ticket even though
it's a reply to a previous one. I do not recall an easy way to fix this
in the GUI, e.g. having a new ticket I cannot merge this new ticket with
a previous ticket (if I knew the number anyway). 
Maybe, although this is probably problematic as well, the following
would work: if a in-reply-to field with a valid ticket number exists but
no ticket number is in the subject, a new ticket will be created but it
will have a note "reply to ticket xyz" and a link to merge this new
ticket back into ticket xyz.
> > > >         mails. Can OTRS provide an "auto-bcc" field for outgoing mails?
> > Asking the question in a broader term: except for the usual backups of
> > the mysql database files etc, what is the recommendation from the OTRS
> > team to handle backups? Our OTRS system will contain some important
> Backup the database (e. g. by mysqldump) and backup the OTRS $OTRS_HOME/var/
> files. That's all. There are two files for this scripts/ and 
> scripts/ 

Of course.

> PS: If you want to backup all incoming/outgoing email the you should do this 
> for incoming emails with procmail ($OTRS_HOME/.procmailrc) and for outgoing 
> emails by adding the following to your Kernel/ for an archiv account:
> [...]
>     # SendmailBcc
>     # (Send all outgoing email via bcc to... 
>     # Warning: use it only for external archive funktions)
>     $Self->{'SendmailBcc'} = '';
> [...]

Thanks, I'll give this a try.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With best regards

 Daniel Seifert
 79bmedia GmbH * Chausseestr. 1
 10115 Berlin * Germany * Tel. +49 (0)178 8775642

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