Hi <name unknown>,

> Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) ?????:
>>> The problem is that if database is located on the same server as OTRS
>>> base system it works fine but when i move database to another server
>>> - OTRS shows following error: "Panic! No user data!"
>>> Be sure that I have changed setting in my Config.pm file
>>> What is the problem with this?
>>> And one more detail. If i am connecting with mysql -h my_db_host -u
>>> otrs -p otrs everything works fine i can execute any SQL queries.
>>> Connection is rapid and reliable
>>> I will be grateful for your help.
> [...]

have you tried '<OTRS-dir>/bin/CheckDB.pl' ?

This script should tell you if OTRS can connect to your database and
read from it.

Stefan Bedorf
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