What is the "normal importer" you're using?  I'm curious if there's a better
tool/method than I use for importing tickets from one OTRS system into
another OTRS system.

RE: your question.

I'm guessing you'll need to update the change_time column in the ticket
table.  I don't see a column for "solution time" nor does OTRS seem to
record a "solution time", just the time of the last change of a ticket.
You'll also want to update the appropriate record in the ticket_history
table, and to keep things consistent, any related records in the article and
article_attachment tables if necessary.

Take this with a grain of salt.  I'm not a OTRS dev, but I have inserted
tickets from one OTRS system into another, and these are the only tables
I've needed to modify.

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Grzella, Mark <mgrze...@studienkreis.de>wrote:

> Hey list,
> i recently "imported" old cases (simply by getting them to the normal
> importer) and thought that once I would change create_time and
> create_time_unix in the database accordingly to their original values (the
> day they had been originally send) everything would be fine.
> Well actually it is, at least partially.
> OTRS does count them on the correct "created date" indeed after proper sql
> statements.
> My problem now is that I do not get how I can tell OTRS at which date they
> had actually been solved.
> Just to give an example what i´ve done so fare:
> UPDATE ticket SET create_time_unix="1281702900" WHERE id = "119"; to set
> the correct unix date where the email originally arrived.
> UPDATE ticket SET create_time= "2010-08-13 14:35:00" WHERE id = "119"; To
> set the corresponding normal date stamp.
> UPDATE ticket SET type_id="9" WHERE id = "119"; To get it to my correct
> ticket type.
> UPDATE ticket SET ticket_state_id="2" WHERE id = "119"; To have it set to
> "done".
> Assuming now that my above mentioned ticket was originally solved on
> 2010-08-15 11:50:00 (or corresponding unix timestamp)... where do I have to
> put which kind of data into OTRS MySQL DB so that it does recognizes this as
> solution time?
> It seems not to be "timeout" as I first thought.
> Can any one help?
> mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Studienkreis GmbH
> Mark Grzella
> Junior IT-Projektleiter
> Universitätsstraße 104, 44799 Bochum
> Tel.: 02 34/97 60 - 404
> mgrze...@studienkreis.de
> www.studienkreis.de
> AG Bochum HRB 4581
> Geschäftsführer:
> Franz Dahlmanns
> Bernd Kreissig (Sprecher)
> Bastian Schmidt-Faber
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hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build
a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate,
act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a
computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.

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