Hey Robert,


the "normal importer" i was referring to is simply the mail pull service.


I added OTRS mailbox to my outlook and simply copy and paste old emails therein 
to keep the original customer without having the need to modify that later on, 


Actually I guess I found the "root of solution" timing and is neither the 
change_time nor the timeout.


OTRS seems to refer to an entry in the ticket_history table or to be more 
precise, it seems like it checks for a state_change to closed (state 27) and 
takes this articles entry time as close time.

Honestly that seems quite through the knee into the neck right between the eyes 
for me, as it would be much more simple to have just a "ticket_closed_date" 
column but okay .


Currently I am writing mass update sql scripts and check the outcome by the end 
of the day, but three single test statements where looking fine so far. 


mit freundlichen Grüßen

Studienkreis GmbH
Mark Grzella
Junior IT-Projektleiter
Universitätsstraße 104, 44799 Bochum
Tel.: 02 34/97 60 - 404
mgrze...@studienkreis.de <mailto:mgrze...@studienkreis.de> 
www.studienkreis.de <http://www.studienkreis.de/> 

AG Bochum HRB 4581
Franz Dahlmanns
Bernd Kreissig (Sprecher)
Bastian Schmidt-Faber


Von: otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] Im Auftrag von Robert 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. April 2011 20:01
An: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
Betreff: Re: [otrs] how does OTRS calculate solution times?


What is the "normal importer" you're using?  I'm curious if there's a better 
tool/method than I use for importing tickets from one OTRS system into another 
OTRS system.

RE: your question.

I'm guessing you'll need to update the change_time column in the ticket table.  
I don't see a column for "solution time" nor does OTRS seem to record a 
"solution time", just the time of the last change of a ticket.  You'll also 
want to update the appropriate record in the ticket_history table, and to keep 
things consistent, any related records in the article and article_attachment 
tables if necessary.

Take this with a grain of salt.  I'm not a OTRS dev, but I have inserted 
tickets from one OTRS system into another, and these are the only tables I've 
needed to modify.

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Grzella, Mark <mgrze...@studienkreis.de> wrote:

Hey list,

i recently "imported" old cases (simply by getting them to the normal importer) 
and thought that once I would change create_time and create_time_unix in the 
database accordingly to their original values (the day they had been originally 
send) everything would be fine.

Well actually it is, at least partially.

OTRS does count them on the correct "created date" indeed after proper sql 

My problem now is that I do not get how I can tell OTRS at which date they had 
actually been solved.

Just to give an example what i´ve done so fare:

UPDATE ticket SET create_time_unix="1281702900" WHERE id = "119"; to set the 
correct unix date where the email originally arrived.

UPDATE ticket SET create_time= "2010-08-13 14:35:00" WHERE id = "119"; To set 
the corresponding normal date stamp.

UPDATE ticket SET type_id="9" WHERE id = "119"; To get it to my correct ticket 

UPDATE ticket SET ticket_state_id="2" WHERE id = "119"; To have it set to 

Assuming now that my above mentioned ticket was originally solved on 2010-08-15 
11:50:00 (or corresponding unix timestamp)... where do I have to put which kind 
of data into OTRS MySQL DB so that it does recognizes this as solution time?

It seems not to be "timeout" as I first thought.

Can any one help?

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Studienkreis GmbH
Mark Grzella
Junior IT-Projektleiter
Universitätsstraße 104, 44799 Bochum

Tel.: 02 34/97 60 - 404 <tel:02%2034%2F97%2060%20-%20404> 

AG Bochum HRB 4581
Franz Dahlmanns
Bernd Kreissig (Sprecher)
Bastian Schmidt-Faber
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computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization 
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