Le 2011-08-10 11:01, Xiaoxing Meng a écrit :
Who knows how we have a field template on customer ticket creation
interface? The only thing that I know is that we can do some
modifications in "Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/CustomerMessageNew.dtl "
and the explaination is just for version 2.4.7. Do anyone has any ideas
to do this on version 3.0.8.
For example, we need a field like "version of the software" for
"software ticket".
Any reply will be appreciated.

You can use a freetext field for that. Here is the procedure I've got. I think it should be accurate.

First, create the freetext field in Core::TicketFreeText (TicketFreeKey1). You can add choices in the drop-down menu by clicking on the + sign.

Second, enable its display in the agent interface in Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText###TicketFreeText

Third, enable its use in the new ticket interface.



Put 1 in the content of the key you want to display (1 int the case you used TicketFreeKey1.

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