From: [] On 
Behalf Of .net noobie
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 12:31 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Friday - Conway (or.. Labor govt) once againdelaysInternet 

Er, since when would that increase competition?  Do we have two sets
of roads, two sets of electricity *distribution* systems?

becuase you have to places to buy from, it's call competition,

Some things are "natural monopolies":

Multiple companies investing capital intensive systems, rather than sharing a 
common infrastructure, just results in increased costs for everyone.

If roads were private, do you think it would be cheaper for motorists if there 
were 2 highways between Sydney and Melbourne? By your argument, if there were 
10 highways built, it would be even better, because there would be more 

plus if you ever work in a place like a mine for example,
you notice they have 2 of everything, so when one fails the other takes over, 
it's called redundancy

This has nothing to do with competition.

In any case, the NBN is there to provide a common set of infrastructure in a 
market which is a natural monopoly. Instead of a private operator collecting 
monopoly rent ( to the detriment 
of consumers, a government sanctioned provider can provide the base 
infrastructure at a cost that doesn't maximise profits to the holder of the 


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