"Or building an NBN"

I was under the impression that we were building the 40+ billion NBN to have
"TWO" networks to increase/create competition

anyway now we have the government (Conroy) stick the boots into Telstra,
make them break up, and if they don't do it the way Conroy want's they will
just take (at a very low unfair price) the parts they need to make the new

Conroy is now telling us that this is going to save us lots of money,
but.... now we will have a single network as before, just the government
will own it, not Telstra

In Tasmania the network prices are out, you can buy a 25 MB/Sec connection
for $99 a month or you can have ADSL2+ 24 MB/sec for maybe $29 a month or
$50 for more bandwidth than most heavy use families will chew in a month

But the thing that gets me more then the pricing, is the Fact that now we
are still only going to have 1 major network, just like before, but not
privately owned, but owned by the Government, the justification of the 40
billion plus NBN (after they failed to raise 5 billion from the private
sector, then 5 days later announced the 40 plus billion plan) was to have 2
networks for competition in the market place, to give the little guys in the
game a better chance to get a good deal, but this reason/jusification for
kicking Telstra's teeth in seems to have gone by the wayside, but no one in
the media seems to remember/mention it.

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 5:59 PM, David Connors <da...@codify.com> wrote:

>  On 12 July 2010 17:28, Ken Schaefer <k...@adopenstatic.com> wrote:
>> But saying "don't buy from the Chinese" is just self-defeating. Then the
>> Chinese shouldn't buy our coal. Or Americans shouldn't buy Dr Low's
>> consulting services etc. No one will buy anything from anyone overseas. And
>> why limit it to countries: people in NSW shouldn't buy things from
>> Queensland, and Sydney-siders shouldn't buy things from Dubbo, and so on.
> I think Greg was referring to the annoying spin on the stimulus spend.
> --
>  *David Connors* | da...@codify.com | www.codify.com
> Software Engineer
> Codify Pty Ltd
> Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 417
> 189 363
> V-Card: https://www.codify.com/cards/davidconnors
> Address Info: https://www.codify.com/contact

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