RE: David Kean.
David, we've never meet so i'm guessing you're assuming either the
worst or prefer character attacks vs answering the hard questions ;)
like is WPF is Dead? given you have how about we spend
more energy in clarifying the remarks instead of ad hominem attacks? -
that or learn to evangelize more effectively :) - as you will note,
i've consistently said i'm a fan of WPF and Silverlight and THUS why
the motivation behind what i have done to draw attention to the
reality of the future of both WPF/Silverlight given the current
internal climate.

RE: Silverlight is Dead.
Silverlight isn't dead. It's just got question marks above how it will
affect the market and more to the point where this bus is heading so
to speak. You can hear my thoughts on this in a number of podcasts
floating around the place (Sparkling Client will have one up soon and
one via Talkingshop Downunder)

to quote myself:

"..way Microsoft to date knows how is to either spend majority of its
focus on convincing developers that Silverlight is the better

"I’m simply about highlighting the disconnect here and if the Windows
8 / IE teams of today think that Silverlight / WPF is something they
can deprecate because they dislike people in DevDiv or its current
model then think again, as this is one of those rare moments in time
where you have a hung jury in terms of which of the two is really the
best bet..."

So not sure where David etc are drawing thine inspiration from in
declaring i am flip flopping over my preferences for Silverlight?
given its the whole heart & soul of this whole debate - that and
putting focus back on WPF and asking a big question "Where's this

RE: Motivation.
Again, you can read why i was motivated to post the thoughts i have
etc via my blog. The main reason was to circumvent the "David Keans"
of the Microsoft internal as typically these types of personalities
often will squash left field opinions for fear of throwing the brand
itself into question or constructive criticism. At times these folks
really need to get out of the Redmond bubble, jump on some planes,
visit folks at the cubicle level and not at the TechEd like
cheerleader-thons and one can soon realize fast that what the Redmond
postcode thinks vs whats reality are vastly different.


Scott Barnes

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