>I think you'll find that "impact" is one of the more tolerable words of
Microspeak: http://www.cinepad.com/mslex_3.htm


Intolerable when used figuratively.


My wife is an editor and proof reader, and she is also utterly fed up with
'impact'. For the last year she has been editing high school textbooks and
she is continually ripping impacts out of them. The words turns up much more
often in subjects like economics, psychology, business & management and
other "soft sciences" where the authors seem to be desperately striving for


I have Julia Lerman's book Programming Entity Framework
807260>  and she uses 'impact' in various forms about 100 times. On one page
she explains how using a certain expression can 'impact performance'. A few
pages later she tells us that turning on a certain option will 'impact
performance'. Only experienced readers would known that she actually means
the opposite in each case. Her book (and others I have) are full of
ambiguous, inappropriate or completely bizarre 'impacts'. Do what you can to
help me eradicate the word from within Microsoft and the USA.



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