I use SyncBack http://www.2brightsparks.com/

They have a free version which just runs as an icon in the background but quite configurable with different sync options and sounds like it should do what you need. They also have Std/Pro paid versions which can run as a service & includes load of plug-ins, add-ons & the kitchen sink.

In general, syncing between network file shares is fine with SyncBack but SFTP/FTPS performance left a little to be desired back in 2008 when we tested it. Not sure what it's like now. For anywhere that needs both network file share & SFTP sync we use BatchSync Secure instead http://www.3dftp.com/products.htm


On 6/04/2012 8:41 PM, Greg Low (GregLow.com) wrote:

Hi Folks,

Anyone got recommendations for file sync? Just a couple of PCs that want to share one or more folders between them and also to a NAS that they both can access. Happy for the main folder to live on the NAS and for the other two PCs to sync with it.

I spent time today looking at Offline files in Windows 7 and while it looked promising at first, after wasting hours trying to debug its issues, I've decided it's not for me.



Dr Greg Low

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*SQL Down Under*//

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