Greg, embrace the change. It's a beautiful world. Just remember, if
everyone could do it, everyone would. Things could be worse. You might have
a job digging holes. Not saying that's bad, we need holes. Just not for me,

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 8:16 AM, David Kean <>wrote:

>  VS2012 will only install on Windows 8 RTM. Don’t try and trick it into
> installing, you will only experience pain due the changes between RC and
> RTM.****
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Greg Keogh
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 27, 2012 4:44 PM
> *To:* 'ozDotNet'
> *Subject:* VS2012 and Metro Apps on Windows 8****
> ** **
> Folks, I thought I’d install VS2012 RTM on Windows 8 release Preview Build
> 8400 to experiment with some Metro apps, but it won’t install due to: "The
> .NET Framework installed on this machine does not meet the minimum required
> version: 4.5.50709". Web searches find lots of complaints about this, but
> no answers. A few weeks ago someone in here had a problem with Metro app
> development, so I’m wondering how you actually got far enough to get
> started. Can anyone tell me how to get off the starting blocks to
> experiment with Metro apps? Are there any extra dependencies or downloads
> required? I’ll keep searching in the meantime.****
> ** **
> As an aside for Friday: I’m still wondering and worried about Windows 8
> and Metro Apps. I fired-up Window 8 after a few weeks and I relived the
> initial shock of first seeing it ... I forgot where everything was, I
> forgot the “hidden” shortcuts, I forgot how to do things ... it was like
> bumbling around in a dark room again. I thought I’d learn to live with it,
> but I remain shocked and bewildered by the new Start interface, especially
> by having my 2560x1440 screen turned into a gigantic mobile phone that
> shows one app at a time. I also wonder about “The App Store” and who
> manages the quality, quantity and profits of what appears in it. The whole
> Windows 8 experience leaves me with a feeling of dread and unease.****
> ** **
> Greg****

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