Steve, sorry for the late reply, I'm all signed up via my MSDN Premium
subscription as a Store developer with all the Azure free stuff and VS2012
RTM. From what you've said I can see now that I tried the wrong combination.
You must have the release of Win8 with VS2012 built-in (I think I saw that
as a download). I have been confused by the combinations of releases and


There is no demand, so I'll wait for the "real" Win8 to hit on 26-Oct (my
birthday!) and try some Metro development then. I'm still filled with unease
about Win8, but I feel a geek compulsion to get something into the store. I
have a few personally useful hobby apps which could be "metroised"  quite
well as a learning exercise. I actually am quite excited by the idea of the
app store, but I still wonder how it will be managed to prevent it turning
into a garbage dump.


I hope you have qualified female behaviour consultants guiding you on the
Keeping Score app!!




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