Hi David, well now you know person that likes it :) I have been using since 
previews, it has a few niggling things but overall I like it. In terms of 
affordances/discoverability once you know about the corners you're pretty much 
set. How long have you been using win8 out of interest?

Doesn't like the iPad have things like 4 finger swipes, how do users discover 
those gestures without being told?

-----Original Message-----
From: "David Richards" <ausdot...@davidsuniverse.com>
Sent: ‎9/‎05/‎2013 7:12 AM
To: "ozDotNet" <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Subject: Re: Is Surface really failing?

I have to say, I'm really surprised anyone could ask this.  I don't know a 
single person that likes windows 8.  I don't mean they think "yeah its ok but 
windows 7 is better", I mean they think "hate, loath, detest".  It is one of 
the worst user interfaces I've seen, second only to itunes.

When I first tried windows 8, I intentionally made sure I didn't read anything 
about it.  I literally was unable to use it for a full 30 minutes!  I could 
click on enormous, 20 cm buttons to run an app and that was it.  I eventually 
gave up and went to google, only to discover there is a magical, invisible 
button about 5 pixels wide in the corner.  Really!?  Who thought that was a 
good idea? 

Go to Android or iOS and a child could figure them out in minutes.  My two year 
old was confidently using both in minutes.  I have no doubt he would have 
gotten stuck in windows 8 in seconds.

Regardless of your opinion on the style (I personally don't like the style 
formally known as metro), it is not a UI that a person could figure out just by 
looking at it.  People have to be told how to use it.  Consequently, it will 
always fail in comparison to the others.


"If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes 
 will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!"
 -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama

On 8 May 2013 18:15, Arjang Assadi <arjang.ass...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,
It seems there is no shortage of Surface.bashing :
Are there people really proposing to not to have Metro interface on tablets? Is 
it really that hard for windows 7 fanatics to click on a tile to see Windows 7 
Having used Android, IPad and Surface ( in that orders ), Can not imagine why 
anyone prefer any other tablet to Surface. 
Is Surface really failing? or is it just the usual trolls cooking up the stats? 
Anyone has any comments from horses mouth (MS) regarding this? Any news on what 
is next after Surface from MS? Any rumors for Surface II ?
Thank you 

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