On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Unicorn.Consulting <
unicorn.consult...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 10/05/2013 10:03 AM, Fredericks, Chris wrote:
>  Hi Matt,****
> ** **
> I have to use Office as it is a part of my employer’s standard operating
> environment.  So I have grown accustomed to it – warts and all.****
> ** **
> I now really regret posting that dumb car analogy of mine.  Everyone is
> most welcome to come and drive in my neighbourhood!  You will recognise me
> by the large foot in my mouth.
> LMAO it was to good to resist.
>  ****
> ** **
> I don’t use the Windows 8 Mail app – I am a lost cause and use Outlook
> (Office 2013).  So I guess I have dodged a bullet.  Or is there something
> lurking there with Outlook that I just haven’t encountered yet?****
> Nothing you have missed that will bit outlook, but the native app only
> supports exchange activesync and IMAP and it is something that may bite you
> if your the unfortunate tech support for family and friend.  The ISPs of
> the world are not in the habit of handing out IMAP, it costs to much to
> support and consumes way more bandwidth.  Very few are paying the
> activesync tax except mobile phone makers and then it really only works
> with Outlook.com.
Seems to work with Android, but maybe they are paying it.  I get all my
serverside stuff email/calendar onto my Nexus4 - very happy.  Not so good
for composing lengthy replies on.

> My point is that there are consumer unfriendly decisions in Windows 8.  I
> have not installed my copy, I freely admit that. I am looking for a good
> reason to upgrade and I really have yet to see one. It used to be I wanted
> the latest version for some feature or other.  These days there are no such
> features.  Where are all the good features that were dropped from Vista,
> instead we get a "unified interface across devices"

Agreed.  On that note, I'll stop kicking W8 and MS for the moment.  I'm
happier with VS12 than I thought I'd be (mono UI and all) so Kudos for
that, MS.



"Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills

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