Hi Matt,

I have to use Office as it is a part of my employer’s standard operating 
environment.  So I have grown accustomed to it – warts and all.

I now really regret posting that dumb car analogy of mine.  Everyone is most 
welcome to come and drive in my neighbourhood!  You will recognise me by the 
large foot in my mouth.

I don’t use the Windows 8 Mail app – I am a lost cause and use Outlook (Office 
2013).  So I guess I have dodged a bullet.  Or is there something lurking there 
with Outlook that I just haven’t encountered yet?


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] On 
Behalf Of Unicorn.Consulting
Sent: Friday, 10 May 2013 8:43 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Is Surface really failing?

On 9/05/2013 3:06 PM, Fredericks, Chris wrote:
I suspect the Office Ribbon wouldn’t have passed the "The Level 1 Helpdesk 
Test" either – but Office hasn’t been a ‘fail’.  And I am sure that most of the 
initial ‘issues’ with Windows 8 will pass in time as users learn it’s nuances.
The office ribbon was a fail for me.  I no longer use office unless I actually 
have to.  But that works for me because Microsoft have not actually put any new 
features I could not happily live without into Office for more than 10 years.  
The open source options are good and meet my needs.

Sometimes people have to make some effort to move out of their comfort zone, 
embrace change and learn something new instead of expecting everything to be 

Intuitive is the corner stone of UI design.  Microsoft spent millions back in 
the 90s to work out that windows 95 needed a start button, otherwise people 
just didn't know what to do with the new UI.  Unfortunately they appear to have 
lost the research, because the current batch of users is not in any way more 
competent than they were in 1995.

The first time someone sits behind the steering wheel in a car, it is not very 
intuitive on how to use the clutch to change gears, or to even start the 
engine.  Almost everyone needs to be taught how to drive a car – does that mean 
that a motor vehicle is a ‘fail’?

But once I have mastered the skill, getting into a Semi and driving that is not 
much of a leap. It is longer and a little wider,  but the basic tools are in 
the same place. Jump on a tractor and again most of the critical things like 
clutch brake and accelerator are in the same place.  Change versions of Windows 
relearn the basic of finding your application.

Everything I have read about why Windows 8 is a ‘fail’ seems a bit emotive and 
most of the problems listed are very easily addressed with a little research 
and learning.
Getting one of the hundreds of Millions of ISP POP mail accounts into the Mail 
app is not all that simple.  FYI Comcast has obviously decided that the cost of 
the support calls exceeds the cost of installing new server software and 
putting up with the support calls that go with the "All my mail just deleted 

I suspect that safely driving a motor vehicle requires more effort, learning 
and concentration than what is required for Windows 8.  If you can’t cope with 
Windows 8, please avoid driving a car anywhere near me or my family. ☺
Will do.


Just my 2c worth and I am most definitely not trying to offend anyone.


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