|But here's another test: Everyone says that to open a program, you just hit
|Windows key and start typing, but what exactly do you do whenever you don't
|know the name of the program? I have this situation often as I have a very
|number of apps that I use occasionally. Often I've purchased them as part
of a
|suite. But if I go looking for one of the audio processing programs that I
|from Nero, what exactly do I type to find it now? (And yes, I can messily
find it
|using the "All Applications" thing)

Yep, that's one of my pet peeves. What I find interesting is if you type
"disc" you'll get 8 settings, but if you types "disk" you'll get 11.
Somewhere some of them must have hard coded the alternative spelling ;)

It'd be really nice if apps and applications could have a config file
(optionally embedded) that allowed keywords. I'd love to be able to type in
"photo" or "graphics" and get a list of my photo or graphics apps etc.  It's
a little bit longhorn ;)

|-----Original Message-----
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of GregAtGregLowDotCom
|Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013 5:02 PM
|To: ozDotNet
|Subject: RE: Is Surface really failing?
|I've persevered with Windows 8 but can't say that I'm loving it. I did end
|putting in Start8 and that did fix many of my issues.
|And I certainly wouldn't class myself as a "hater" of it, just frustrated.
|Here are my simple issues:
|1.       Why the need to move things to obscure places, for no value?
|One of the things that I regularly do before travelling is to take a system
image of
|my notebook drives, to make it easy to recover. That options used to be in
|"Control Panel -> Backup". See if you can find it on Windows 8 without
using a
|search engine.
|2.       I really don't like the focus/context shift with the Windows key
and the full-
|screen start screen. I can no longer refer to other things that were on the
|It makes fine sense for a tablet, not so much sense for a desktop machine.
|to mention multiple large monitors)
|But here's another test: Everyone says that to open a program, you just hit
|Windows key and start typing, but what exactly do you do whenever you don't
|know the name of the program? I have this situation often as I have a very
|number of apps that I use occasionally. Often I've purchased them as part
of a
|suite. But if I go looking for one of the audio processing programs that I
|from Nero, what exactly do I type to find it now? (And yes, I can messily
find it
|using the "All Applications" thing)
|Similarly, if I hit the Windows key and type "Uninstall", 35 entries come
up that all
|say "Uninstall". How do I know which is which?
|Etc etc
|Dr Greg Low
|1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
|SQL Down Under | Web:
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of David Richards
|Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013 4:25 PM
|To: ozDotNet
|Subject: Re: Is Surface really failing?
|In my opinion, a good interface is one an average person can figure out
|assistance within about 5 minutes.  An auto car with a start button (as
some cars
|have) falls in to this category.  You could literally be driving in
|Put someone in front of various mobile OSes and you would probably get the
|same thing.
|Put someone in front of windows 8 and they'll get stuck.  It's like having
that nice
|easy to use auto car with a big red start button but instead of a brake
pedal there
|is a hidden touch sensitive region somewhere at the back of the footwell.
|they'll get the car moving but the experience will quickly go downhill from
|And I still hate the office ribbon.
|"If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes  will fall like a
house of
|cards... checkmate!"
| -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama
|On 9 May 2013 15:36, Fredericks, Chris <> wrote:
|       I suspect the Office Ribbon wouldn't have passed the "The Level 1
|Helpdesk Test" either - but Office hasn't been a 'fail'.  And I am sure
that most of
|the initial 'issues' with Windows 8 will pass in time as users learn it's
|       Sometimes people have to make some effort to move out of their
|comfort zone, embrace change and learn something new instead of expecting
|everything to be obvious.  The first time someone sits behind the steering
|in a car, it is not very intuitive on how to use the clutch to change
gears, or to
|even start the engine.  Almost everyone needs to be taught how to drive a
car -
|does that mean that a motor vehicle is a 'fail'?
|       Everything I have read about why Windows 8 is a 'fail' seems a bit
|emotive and most of the problems listed are very easily addressed with a
|research and learning.  I suspect that safely driving a motor vehicle
requires more
|effort, learning and concentration than what is required for Windows 8.  If
|can't cope with Windows 8, please avoid driving a car anywhere near me or
|family. J
|       Just my 2c worth and I am most definitely not trying to offend
|       Cheers,
|       Chris
|       From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of Ken Schaefer
|       Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013 2:49 PM
|       To: ozDotNet
|       Subject: RE: Is Surface really failing?
|       Caller: "Hello. I can't find my Windows desktop"
|       Helpdesk: Press the Windows Key and the letter D at the same time
|       Caller: "No, I can't see my start menu."
|       Helpdesk: Press the Windows Key
|       You should try managing server 2012 via RDP sometime. It really is
just 1
|pixel in the bottom left which is nearly impossible to click on unless your
RDP is
|full screen.
|       What do you need on the Start screen on Windows Server 2012?
|       Cheers
|       Ken
|       From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of David Connors
|       Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013 2:13 PM
|       To: ozDotNet
|       Subject: Re: Is Surface really failing?
|       On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 1:58 PM, David Burstin
|<> wrote:
|               I am neutral about Windows 8, but what I do find annoying is
|that when people voice their opinions they get labeled as 'haters'. While
it's a
|convenient way to dismiss other people's concerns, what you are basically
|is "this doesn't bother me so it can't be legitimate and therefore only
reason you
|are saying it is because you are a troll/hater". Not a great basis for a
|discussion imho.
|       I agree. I have this game I play as a part of mentoring people
working for
|me on usability. I call it "The Level 1 Helpdesk Test". Whenever I see
|that is batshit crazy, I ask them to run it past The Level 1 Helpdesk Test
|       1.      Sitting at your PC pretending you're on level 1 helpdesk.
|       2.      Imagine you've just answered the phone and someone is
|up about the feature you've just shown off.
|       3.      Imagine the conversation with that person as you describe
|to use the feature.
|       Windows 8 fails the level 1 help desk test in style.
|       Caller: "Hello. I can't find my Windows desktop"
|       Helpdesk: "Can you see a picture of Seattle or a mountain with
|written on it?"
|       Caller: "Ummm... no, I think ... I can see a picture of Julia
Gillard and the
|weather in Paris, but I'm in Brisbane. Should I click on the purple box
|Victoria Beckham?"
|       Helpdesk: "No, keep looking for a box with desktop written on it in
|       Caller: "Oh, I've found a flower with desktop written on it."
|       Helpdesk: "That's your desktop. Click on that. BTW it is a flower
|but it might be a mountain or seattle tomorrow."
|       Caller: "That's better, I can see Windows now."
|       Helpdesk: "Is that all?"
|       Caller: "No, I can't see my start menu."
|       Helpdesk: "Oh, you were just at the start menu."
|       Caller: "The boxes with Victoria Beckham?"
|       Helpdesk: "Yes, that's it."
|       Caller: "Where is it?"
|       Helpdesk: "It is in the bottom left single pixel of your monitor."
|       Caller: "What's a pixel?"
|       Helpdesk: "Nevermind, just move your mouse to the bottom left and
|you'll see a start menu pop up."
|       Caller: "Oh, I see. But when I move my mouse over the button it
|       Helpdesk: "Oh, you're not meant you click on it, you just move your
|mouse to make it appear and then click on it without actually moving your
|over it."
|       etc etc etc
|       Fkn fail.
|       Don't even start me on the Charms "Nothing can be shared right now"
|       You should try managing server 2012 via RDP sometime. It really is
just 1
|pixel in the bottom left which is nearly impossible to click on unless your
RDP is
|full screen.
|       What did they do in previous versions of Windows?
|       Helpdesk: "If you want a document or program, click start."
|       Caller: "Thanks!"
|       *click*
|       David.

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