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On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> There are certainly a lot of rude comments about Flexera and Microsoft’s
>> disregard for developers requiring install software.
> Indeed! I found a fair swag of angry comments from irritable and
> frustrated people and journals during searches later in the day. I ran
> haphazard searches for various relevant keywords and it's quite clear that
> something went weirdly askew with setup projects after VS2010. You just
> can't get a straight answer anywhere about why things changed in the way
> they did, or where things are going. Even the "official" pronouncements are
> all shallow and evasive. I'm an MSDN subscriber who tries to keep up with
> tech gossip in my spare time, and even I didn't realise the vdproj was
> dropped last year and here I am wondering where the hell it's all going
> now, and no one seems to know.
> I even tried to find a clear description of the features (or limitations)
> of InstallShield Limited Edition without luck. All you can find in searches
> are pages of marketing bullshït telling you why you should upgrade to
> Professional, Ultimate or Cosmic editions.
> I'll ask in the Wix forum what the truth is about VS2013 integration with
> their releases and let you know if I find anything useful.
> Greg K

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