On Fri, 3 Jul 2015 at 11:27 Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was unfortunately wedged by the urgency of showing someone my pictures
> and taking photos and suddenly discovering the dramatic UI changes and
> didn't have time to sit down calmly, take a stress pill and think things
> over.

You are definitely the first person I have met who undertakes an operating
system upgrade when they're wedged by urgency.

I'm not entirely sure why you have such a strong dislike for Material
Design that you do... IMO it is finally fulfilling the promise of a
non-skeuomorphic design that world+dog has aspired to, but failed to
deliver (anything that people liked to use).

Google photos is amazeballs - notwithstanding the recent bad press/brain
fart it did with that black woman in the us.
David Connors
da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

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