On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here's a TGIF story that hints at a deep technical and business/culture
> problem with Android phones and Google. I don't think this problem is so
> bad on other phone brands, is it?
> * Last December I downloaded several app updates to my "unbranded"
> development Nexus 5 and I didn't read (or understand) one of the screens
> and I accidentally downloaded a complete OS update and blew $135 in 30
> seconds because I wasn't at home on the wireless.

There's an option that prevents this from happening.  Also, you can set
cell data monthly limits...

> I had to ring Telstra and beg them for a discount, and luckily they gave
> me a $100 discount because I had never exceeded quota before. After
> rebooting the phone I find it has completely changed appearance to be
> "materiel design" and I can't find anything, and some buttons have turned
> into little "darts" leaving me floundering to even figure out how to send
> an SMS.
> * Two weeks ago I wanted to show some family photos on my phone to a
> friend. I click the usual "Photos" icon I'm presented with an unfamiliar
> incomprehensible screen about synching and Google+ apps. I don't have time
> to read this woffle, so I click crap everywhere to get out of it and back
> to my photos. I eventually arrive at the photos and find they have a new
> arrangement by date group, scroll differently and the older ones I want are
> missing. I scroll and click until hell froze but I could not find the
> photos and I was livid with rage that someone had subverted my phone from
> under my nose. The next day I stick the phone into my PC and eventually
> found the photos, and I also found an obscure "Data Folders" menu I
> previously missed that displays the old photos. After an hour of web
> searching I could not find a clear explanation for what had changed. It has
> something to do with the default photo app changing to Google+ (which I
> don't even voluntarily use).
> * One week ago I tried to take some photos at a concert and I suddenly
> find the camera app has completely changed with little preview "dots" and a
> weird 3D warping preview and I have no idea what the screen is showing or
> telling me. Once again I don't have time to sit down and fiddle around with
> menus and buttons to find the original phone screen, so I guess it's
> working and I press the button and it looks like it's taking photos. When I
> get home I discover I have taken no photos at all, but was actually inside
> some sort of panorama feature that I don't care about or need. By fiddling
> with the new camera screen menus I eventually find it has 4 "modes" and one
> of them is the plain camera. So this vital app changed under my nose and
> the default was something useless and confusing.
> You'd think the UI of a phone would be easy to navigate, but after having
> it for 18 months I still get completely lost trying to find some setting
> and often stumble into screens that I've never seen before and are
> incomprehensible (either because I never went there before or the OS or
> app has silently changed). The other day I was so f**ing angry with the
> phone's UI and navigation that I threw it across my desk, and it popped
> into a configuration screen I didn't know existed. Wonders never cease!
> Okay, so what the hell is happening in the Android phone world. Who's
> running this circus and who the hell has the right to completely change the
> OS and UI of vital apps secretly while I'm looking the other way? Imagine
> if they built aircraft like this ...who'd fly?

My sympathies.  Microsoft are usually the ones that do this to me with
inter-version changes in UI design in Office, OS, and VS.  I hate that for
similar reasons.

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