Im getting a 404 on it right now ....

Sent from Samsung tablet.
-------- Original message --------From: Greg Keogh <> Date: 
8/09/2017  4:48 PM  (GMT+10:00) To: ozDotNet <> Subject: 
[OT] Post NBN problem 
TGIF ... It 16 days from NBN installation to getting the phone and data working 
normally. Luckily the old cable modem on a splitter kept working in the 
meantime or we would have been cactus.
I have only one incomprehensible problem after the changeover ... I have the 
domain and site running on my home server and it's visible to 
the outside world (I can see IIS hits coming in). However, that domain is 
inaccessible from inside the house on our LAN. Browsing to it gives "Can't 
reach this page - INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND". I've flushed DNS everywhere, 
changed DNS servers, turned off the firewall, rebooted, and so on, but nothing 
makes any difference.
Can anyone suggest why my served site is visible to the world, but not from 
inside our home LAN? Are there some diagnostic tricks to help narrow down 
what's wrong?
Greg K

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