Why don't you move to a provider that offers a fixed ip option?

On Sat., 9 Sep. 2017, 11:14 pm Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Im getting a 404 on it right now ....
> I think it's an incredible coincidence, but about 30 mins ago our home NBN
> connection died. The 4 greens lights on the Arris went out, then came back
> on after several minutes. I received a new IP address and had to manually
> plug them into my DNS provider again (for the 3rd time in a week).
> I can see the domain is accessible again from an external source. I'm
> worried about the instability of the new NBN connection, as it's died 3
> times in a week, whereas the old cable connection died twice in a year.
> *GK*
David Connors
da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

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