>> I have moved 5 domains and web sites into Azure. The only one remaining
hosted at home is used for development and previews, and it has a cert, and
it uses SQL Server databases and the file-system. So moving it all up to
Azure hosting will be frightening technical challenge that I haven't got
the stomach for yet.

You can get an Azure VM which will only cost around $15-20 per month.
Depends on you budget, but you can then install SQL Server Express easily.

On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. Why not use a dynamic DNS service instead?
> I see that my new HFC modem has a feature to activate that with various
> providers. So it's a possibility. I'm hoping though, that once the NBN
> service stabilises then the drop-outs will stop and my IP will very rarely
> change (as it was for 2 years with Telstra cable).
>> 2. Why host websites at home on a dynamic service? (We used to do that so
>> very long ago. I don't see much point to it now)
> I have moved 5 domains and web sites into Azure. The only one remaining
> hosted at home is used for development and previews, and it has a cert, and
> it uses SQL Server databases and the file-system. So moving it all up to
> Azure hosting will be frightening technical challenge that I haven't got
> the stomach for yet.
> As I was saying here last year ... I hate hosting *anything*, so I'm
> looking forward to being able to eventually get the last site off my
> server, dismantle it and replace it with a little portable media server for
> music and video. Maybe that will be the Xmas holiday project!
> *GK*

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