On Tue, 21 Nov 2017 at 12:18 Greg Low <g...@greglow.com> wrote:

> On a recent project where after 8 months I looked at the web app that 5
> people had created and realized I could have created a WinForm app by
> myself in a week, and with s better UI. Agreed it’s an apples and oranges
> comparison but that’s just ridiculous for us as an industry to have ended
> up at that point where we think that’s acceptable.

Your WinForms app can reach 2/10th of fk all people. The web app can reach

If you want to write departmental apps quickly there is always PowerApps or

David Connors
da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | https://t.me/davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61
417 189 363

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