Gosh Dave, you're not telling me you're still supportive of the hugely
expensive backward step this nation took with the NBN are you?

On 4 Jan 2018 12:05 PM, "David Connors" <da...@connors.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Jan 2018 at 14:53 Tony Wright <tonyw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> They claim a speed of 2560MB whatever that means, but to get 1.6GB down
>> in 1 minute is pretty impressive. Gosh, internet in Australia really really
>> sucks!  But nobody wants speed in Australia, right?
> That transfer works out at about 250mbps. I'm getting 150mbps at the
> moment in a business park in Brisbane.
> Data on NextG costs 5x more than the $6 you paid, but Google tells me the
> average salary in Australia is 14x that of Thailand.
> Everyone hates a pedant on a Thursday afternoon.
> David.
> --
> David Connors
> da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | https://t.me/davidconnors | LinkedIn
>  | +61 417 189 363

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