No, it didn't create the Android and iOS projects after the popup errors,
just the UWP, Wasm and Shared are there.

I'm wondering if people are developing and testing Uno projects on Windows
that target macOS. At around 02:50 in this beginners video
<> he installs the Uno
extensions, and he's clearly in VS2019 on Windows, so I guess he just has
all the Xamarin dependencies present (that's not mentioned). Around 12:00
he runs the iOS emulator ... how? A few years ago when I first tried
Xamarin Forms I had to run a server on the Mac and Windows connected to it
with a special protocol (I forget the details now), which was all quite
clumsy and irritating. That's why when VS for Mac came out I switched all
Xamarin development over to it.

> Did the Uno extension create the solution, even if there were errors
> loading the ios and android projects? If so, I’d suggest removing the
> projects you don’t want (probably just leading the MacOS head project and
> the Shared project), committing the whole thing to source repo and then
> opening on your mac. In theory this should just work but I haven’t tried it
> as I haven’t spent much time building specifically for mac.

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