Dear Lorraine,  My sincerest condolences to you over the death of your friend.  Please, think about  using Rescue Remedy often so it will help you integrate the grief. Very interesting information about ultrasounds, difficult to prove, but maybe it has more to do with the very frequent use on the same baby?  KEMH Raine study did recommend that 2 ultrasounds a pregnancy was enough unless really indicated for treatment options.Regards, Mary Murphy
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: Ultrasound dangers

Dear List,
It was interesting to read the comments on the dangers of ultrasounds (I have a six year old with learning problems- however nothing specific, he shows signs of dyslexia, inattentive ADHD, Visual and Auditory Processing Disorders and he his left handed.) I've always wondered about the affects on him of the 2 or 3 ultrasounds I had during his pregnancy and if there is any link to his inability to grasp concepts and understand the simplest of instructions. He has been assessed countless times by so many well meaning professionals, who are all able to declare that he has learning problems. (Oh duh! You could have paid me to tell you that.) There has been a "rash of mental problems", our physio, speech and OT resources are on total overload, the waiting lists to get in are ridiculous, that's not only here in the country but also in the city (Perth).  And they are mainly boys. Consideration has to be given to the point that teachers are more educated in recognising children with learning or speech problems and so they can refer them to a specialist. And what about ear problems? that is too common too. How can a high-frequency sound which produces the x-ray like images not affect the developing ears of a foetus? 
However the reason for this message is nothing to do with my beautiful son. But to share with the list my grief and shock.
Five days ago, a friend I went to high school with, gave birth by caesarean to a healthy baby girl. My friend caught an infection and went down hill really quickly. Yesterday (Sunday 8th Dec) was spent with family and friends talking to her, placing the baby on her chest, keeping positive, talking about her future, while she lay there with machines keeping her alive. At 7.00pm last night she died.
Her husband went home with the baby to his parents house later last night. I've spent today mothering my 2 year old daughter who has a runny nose and slight temperature and trying to comprehend the kind of emotions that must be swirling around my friends family and her closer friends.
I've yet to learn why she had a caesarean, or any other details, I've been told that there will be an inquiry.
I called a couple of high school friends this morning, who we all used to 'hang out' together, to share with them the sad news.
It's off my chest now. I can take a deep breathe and get out off this depressed feeling I'm in. Tragedies happen everyday, it's just when it happens to someone you know, the impact leaves a terrible feeling.
Thankyou for listening.
Lorraine Sharpe
'Goldfields Birthplace'
Kalgoorlie WA

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