Hi Tania,

I'm a Bachelor of Midwifery (BMid) student in
Melbourne @ Victoria University.

As far as I know, the only unis in Australia unis
which are offering BMid THIS YEAR are Flinders Uni &
Uni SA in Adelaide, & ACU & VU in Melbourne.  As I
understand it, more unis will be coming on board in
the coming years, but I don't really know a lot about
who's in line for what.

If you're interested in a specific uni (UTS), your
best bet would probably be to speak w/ them directly. 
If you're interested in the course in general, I think
ACMI has been invovled in the development nationally,
so they may be a central place to find out at what
stage different unis are at.

I'm just new to all of this... if anybody else on the
list knows differently or has any other suggestions,
please correct me!

Good luck,


 --- Tania & Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Hi there Ladies,
> I've been laying low on this list but soaking up all
> of the wonderful
> information that you share. I currently work in
> Singapore as a Doula and am
> studying to be a Childbirth Educator.
> I was wanting to hear from anyone out there who can
> give me some information
> on the Bachelor of Midwifery degree. I understand
> that UTS offers this and
> that they only take a certain amount of entries per
> year. Is anyone
> currently doing this degree? What is the criteria to
> gain entry like? What
> is the workload like?
> Any mature aged students out there? I'm 35.
> As I am currently in Singapore I don't intend to
> stay here forever but
> wanted to start researching possible options for me
> upon my return to
> Sydney.
> Any information you can give me would be greatly
> appreciated
> Thank you
> Tania Grose-Hodge
> Singapore.

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