09/09/2002 at 0732 Debby wrote:
However I personally would question how many women actually have terminations at this stage even if they are told bubs condition is fatal.
Hi Debby,
Where I work there is a small but steady trickle of families who have made this heartbreaking decision and do terminate at 18-20 weeks based on USS diagnoses, sometimes conditions that are "incompatable with life" and other times with major cardiac or other abnormalities. A truly terrible position to be in and not one that anyone can decide for them or ease for them once the decision is made.
Even though it's so awful I've not heard any of them say they wish they hadn't known, or that they wouldn't have an USS next pregnancy. Of course, we also have the families who choose to continue the pregnancy knowing the heartbreak ahead of them; I don't know which is harder.
As this is a tertiary referral hospital we have our fair share of babies born with abnormalities, purely from my personal observation it seems to me that the parents and family cope better if they have an idea of the likely course of events than if the abnormality comes as a bolt from the blue. For that reason only I have no particular problem with morphology scans though I prefer to use Mum's dates for maturity.
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