That's a great idea and one which would certainly validate the "need" for this early invasive procedure.
Another U/S practice which has been creeping in over this side of the continent (and please share if it is happening in your neck of the woods) is the abdo U/S at each antenatal visit from around 38 weeks. Why you ask? Well so did I.  And the answer that I'm being given is for the Dr to check the position of the baby. Now pardon my cynicism but that's what I thought an abdominal palpation was all about
Alesa Koziol
Clinical Midwifery Educator
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Vaginal ultrasounds

Once again thanks for the info re Vag Ultrasounds.  I have a gut feeling that this is a dangerous procedure for the foetus as it gets so close to it and is not even " filtered" throught the abdominal fat and muscle. It is also a gross invasion of a woman's body.  I wonder if the operator "gets off" on it?  I also wonder about all the guff that goes on about how accurate ultrasound dating is at any period of pregnancy.  I would like all u/s  providers to have to keep and punlish  accurate and up to date data on when the babies wered actually born in comparison to when u/s predicted they were due.  MM

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