This is probably a bit of an agressive attitude - but if there is no clinical justification for his practice, such as those suggested by the other ladies (IVF confirmations, suspected ectopic, etc) then isn't this tantamount to a form of sexual abuse - disguised but surely any procedure that is that "intimate" that is done without justifiable medical reason just can't be right.

I have only ever had one vaginal ultrasound in my life and that was for suspected ectopic and in that case it was done on OB referral to a qualified sonographer who first did an abdominal to see what she could view that way.  Even abdominally at 5wks gestation she was able to eliminate ectopic but did suspect a placental bleed.  She asked my permission to do the TV and explained why (the abdominal picture for such a small gestation is not clear) and I gave her permission - fortuneately it was just a small implantion bleed next to the gestation site and I am about to give birth to the baby any day - but this protocol seems much more professional than that which the OB in Perth seems to be doing.

If there is suspicion of suspected covert sexual abuse his actions should be reported to the AMA and the police.


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