Unfortunately it was deja vue for me reading your story, I think most of us have been in similar situations, and yes it is very important to question why these situations arise and is there any way that we could have done it better, I believe we must constantly review our practices and speak with the women and their families that we care for,  all I can say is hang in there and be part of the change, the satisfaction comes from doing the best you can and bouncing off supportive colleagues, birthing mothers and lists such as this when the need arises.
Yours in midwifery pete malavisi 
-----Original Message-----
From: JoFromOz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 3 October 2002 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Almost c/s - horrid shift (VERY LONG!)

Thanks Sally.
I was glad I was able to maintain her concentration on me during the whole fiasco.  She kept looking to me for advice, or opinion when she and her husband were unsure of something.  It was great to see such trust in her eyes for me.  That is one of the only good things to come out of the evening, (apart from a beautiful baby girl!)
Love Jo
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